If one of your plumbing pipes suddenly starts to make a hammering noise, then you might be alarmed. This noise is often loud and violent.
Often, this noise tells you that you have a water hammer problem. Read on to learn more about water hammer, what causes it, what damage it can do, and how to fix it.
If a pipe has a water hammer problem, then it will make a noise whenever you use water from it. For example, you might hear hammering when you turn a faucet off, after flushing a toilet, or when you use an appliance.
This hammering indicates a flow problem in the pipe or its general water supply. If water can't flow smoothly through the pipe, then it can surge when you turn the water off at an outlet. The water hits the walls of the pipe or a valve with some force. This movement creates shockwaves which reverberate through the pipe and make hammering noises.
Water hammer is often caused by problems with air chambers in a pipe. These chambers can slow down water and reduce its pressure so that it loses some kinetic energy as it runs through the pipe when you turn off its supply.
As water passes through these chambers, it naturally slows down. When you turn off the supply, the water shouldn't be running fast enough or at a high enough pressure to make hammering noises.
However, these chambers can get clogged or fill with water. If this happens, then a pipe loses its ability to control its water flow. So, for example, when you turn off a faucet, water won't slow down before it hits the faucet's closed valve. It will make some noise as it comes to a sudden stop.
While air is a common cause of water hammer, it isn't the only reason pipes get noisy. Sometimes, you hear hammering sounds because a pipe contains a foreign object, such as large piece of lime scale or broken part.
You can also hear hammering if your water pressure isn't set at the right level. Sometimes, a pipe simply hammers because it has come loose. It vibrates as water passes through it and might make banging sounds if it then touches a wall.
While you'll want to fix a water hammer problem to stop these irritating noises, this problem can also cause some damage. For example, if water puts too much stress on a pipe, then it might rupture and spring a leak. Or, if your problem is down to incorrect pressure levels, then other parts of your plumbing system, such as pumps, could get damaged.
Water hammer can also cause some peripheral structural damage. If a pipe vibrates so much that it pulls its connections off a wall, then you'll have to fix this damage as well.
Sometimes, you have to flush out your plumbing system to get rid of water hammer noises. As you empty and refill the system, it should clear out air chambers and any loose debris. This might be enough to fix the problem.
If you have a water pressure problem, then your plumber might need to adjust your pressure settings. In some cases, they will install a water hammer arrestor. These air-filled devices create a permanent air cushion that stops water from running with too much force; they should prevent the problem from happening again in the future.
If you have hammering pipes, then contact Complete Plumbing. One of our experienced team can inspect your system, find the source of the problem, and fix it.